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Learn more about IPC's capabilities
linda_cleveland A privately held women owned and managed company (NWBOC and WBE certified), we were founded in 1966 in Piqua, OH, as a die cutting operation to produce gaskets, and our tooling and die cutting remain critical core capabilities across our businesses.

Today, 90 percent of our businesses is automotive-
related, and IPC is both a Tier One and Tier Two supplier
of parts and components to many of the New Domestic
car manufacturers.

Operating primarily from a 215,000 square foot manufacturing operation in Piqua, OH, we produce a large percentage of trunk floors in North American - manufactured autos, and a growing percentage of cargo covers, as well as a range of in-transit, watershield and acoustic parts for automobiles and trucks. In addition, we maintain our long standing expertise in tooling and die-cutting.

At IPC, our work begins with an individual challenge and ends with the
manufacture of a customized solution for our customers. We believe a strong work ethic, a commitment to quality, an extensive knowledge of materials, and up
-to-date manufacturing processes are critical to our success - and the success
of our customers.



  Copyright 2025 © Industry Products Company | 500 Statler Road, Piqua OH 45356 | 1.800.255.3453, f. 937.660.9411
To contact Sales Department: sales@industryproductsco.com | Site by Momentum